January 13 - Relief Society Lesson

January 13 - Relief Society lesson given at the City Creek Branch

Good afternoon sisters.  I would like to start out by telling you about three times when I have been in a position to be fully aware and remember the changes going on in the church.  In March of 1980 Becky blessed on the first day of the consolidated schedule.  Last week my husband and I gave talks in Sacrament meeting on the last day of the three hour block and this week I am giving this lesson on the first day of R. S. lessons on the two hour block.

Challenge for me because
Nursery leader 5-10 minute lessons

Talk by elder Gong I remember listening to this talk-impressions
How many of you have read this talk?  Of those of you that have not how many of you remember what this talk was about.   How many of those that did read it remembered what the talk was about before you started.

Mention talk to anyone and they may not remember what the talk was about but mention the beautiful painting by Elder Scott and they remember the talk being given.  I remember the beautiful painting because I love to study light and shadow but my memories of the talk became vague after that.  As I read and reread it I realized that much of the talk is what my original impression was and that is light and shadow.  The light is the guidance and direction from the Lord and the shadow is the influence of Satan.

All remember beautiful painting by Elder Scott titled Campfire at Sunset
Starts out talking about creativity and how it can enrich our lives. 

Gives three quotes by three apostles about creativity

First from Elder Scott:   Painting –Can engender a spirit of gratitude for life and for what the Lord has woven into your being

Second from elder Eyring: his artwork is motivated by ”a feeling of love including the love of a creator who expects his children to become like him-to create and to build.”

 Third from Elder Packer:  “bear testimony that there is a harmony between nature, science and the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Can you give me some ideas of different talents or g
ifts that show creativity and how they have blessed your life?
Art       music      cooking      organization    teaching      sewing      needlework       blogging         decorating      understanding    listening     cake decorating   record keeping   writing   working on new technology

Show drawing that I have done

It has given me confidence.  I am not afraid to talk about this gift that I have been given by my Heavenly Father.  I have been able to see some things differently.

 Basis for lesson quote from the beginning.
“We used as a model his beautiful watercolor titled Campfire at Sunset. As we painted, we talked about faith—how as we face the light and warmth of a campfire, we leave the darkness and uncertainty behind us—how on sometimes long, lonely nights, our campfire of faith can give hope and assurance. And the dawn does come. Our campfire of faith—our memories, experiences, and heritage of faith in God’s goodness and tender mercies in our life—has strengthened us through the night.”

He poses a question and I am posing this same question to you.
“Have you ever had opportunity to do something for which you felt unprepared or inadequate but that you were blessed for trying?”
Give example and give time for response  ( teaching this lesson)
He asks us a series of questions that cover only a small area of the heartaches and trials we have faced but that cover things we have all faced.
==Have you ever been the only one not invited to someone’s birthday party?
One of our daughters knew that a friend was having a birthday party and she hadn’t received an invitation.  She asked the friend about it and the friend said.  Oh, I didn’t have enough invitations so I didn’t invite you.
==Have you ever been chosen last, or not chosen, when teams were selected?
I have frequently been chosen last or not at all because I don’t have an athletic bone in my body.  It has at times been a challenge being married to someone who is extremely athletic and is often chosen first or very near to first.
==Have you prepared for a school test, a job interview, an opportunity you really wanted—and you felt you failed?
I wanted to be in a special music group at school and as I tried out and knew the other people that were trying out I was certain I had not made it.
==Have you prayed for a relationship that, for whatever reason, has not worked out?
==Have you faced chronic illness, been abandoned by a spouse, agonized for family?
These are his questions but there are many more that are similar that we fit into one or more of the categories.
This is what the remainder of his talk is about
Heavenly Father gives us a ways to help bring us out of the darkness.

First, our campfire of faith can encourage us to find joy in wholesome creativity.
There is joy in imagining, learning, doing worthwhile new things.  This is especially true as we deepen faith and trust Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Story of cooking class and conduit of light in temple
Have any of you been blessed with some form of creativity that has helped you to grow personally or to get them through challenging times.  Something that has helped you rely more on the Lord.
Second, our campfire of faith can encourage us to minister in new, higher, and holier Spirit-filled ways.
What does it mean to minister in new higher, and holier Spirit-filled ways?
Valentines’ Folder  A friend of mine made this for me and it was something that has lifted me and as I have shared it it has lifted others
Can you share an example of how you have been a participant in this type of ministering either through doing or being the recipient?
Does anyone have some ideas of ways we can minister in the Savior’s way?
Third, our campfire of faith is encouragement: creative gospel joy and blessings come when we seek to love the Lord and others with all our heart and souls.
I had something that happened in my life that caused great emotional pain bordering on physical pain that it caused.  I knew I had to forgive the person that caused the pain and I struggled for a long time.  I prayed that I would be able to forgive and it didn’t come.  I feel I was not ready to truly forgive but I kept working on it.  Finally I received a sweet peace and assurance that my pleas had been heard.  It was distinct and undeniable.  I had a panic attack and was struggling to breath and gain my ability to function.  I saw this person as I was out and I no longer had the feelings toward her that had existed before and the attack totally disappeared.  I was lead to know that this is the difference between the anguish I had been suffering and the peace I now felt as I was forgiven because I truly forgave. 
How are we blessed when we come to love others with all of our heart and soul as the Savior did?
Fourth, our campfire of faith encourages us to establish regular patterns of righteous living that deepen faith and spirituality.
One of the patterns of righteous living that my husband and I have established is regular temple attendance.  When he retired in 2005 we determined that one of the ways we could serve every week was to attend the temple.  This has been a great blessing in our lives.  We have felt the hand of the Lord as we have been seeking answers and we have been blessed in many ways.  In 2012 we started taking our own family names to the temple and that has been another great blessing.
What patterns of righteous living have helped to deepen your faith and spirituality?
Fifth our campfire of faith can encourage us to remember perfection is in Christ, not in ourselves or in the perfectionism of the world.
Sometimes we get caught up in doing things where we think we can do it alone.  This can be a project, a problem we are trying to solve, a lesson we are preparing or any of a number of other things.  But we can and will find that we cannot do it alone.  It is only through Christ that we can truly achieve things of any lasting value.
Have any of you had any experiences that have demonstrated this concept.
In 2 Nephi 31:20 it states:
Wherefore ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.  Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.
As we go throughout the week we can think of the examples the other sisters have shared and we can remember the impressions the Lord left with us as we try to more fully model our paths after the guidelines we have been given by Elder Gong.
“We used as a model his beautiful watercolor titled Campfire at Sunset. As we painted, we talked about faith—how as we face the light and warmth of a campfire, we leave the darkness and uncertainty behind us—how on sometimes long, lonely nights, our campfire of faith can give hope and assurance. And the dawn does come. Our campfire of faith—our memories, experiences, and heritage of faith in God’s goodness and tender mercies in our life—has strengthened us through the night.”

Bear testimony.


  1. Mom, that sounds like an amazing lesson. I was taught in a training meeting that we are teachers, not just discussion leaders or facilitators. However, as teachers we need to encourage active participation from the class. It sounds like you acheived that balance.


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